What is usability testing and which type is better to choose

Usability testing is a methodology used to evaluate the usability of a website and improve the user experience. This is the process of systematically monitoring how real users interact with the product, identifying issues, and collecting feedback for further improvement. To better understand user needs, two different types of UX testing were created, such as “moderated” and “unmoderated”.

09 October 2024

Moderated usability testing

The subject of testing and the moderator participate in moderated testing. The moderator gives instructions to the participant and monitors their implementation. 

The advantages of this method are 1v1 testing, almost like chatting with a friend, which allows for more detailed feedback, and since it only involves one participant, it provides more variety and flexibility. The moderator can adapt the session according to the individual needs and responses of the participant. For example, if a participant encounters a problem or expresses confusion, the moderator can adjust the course of the test to study the problem more deeply, provide assistance, or ask additional clarifying questions. This adaptability of usability testing helps you identify and fix usability issues more effectively than with strict testing settings.

But this method also has drawbacks due to the fact that:

  1. The presence of a moderator can change the behavior of participants
  2. There can only be one user at a time
  3. This usually takes longer than unmoderated

Unmoderated usability testing

Unmoderated usability testing is a method that does not require the participation of a moderator or facilitator during a test session. This approach provides more flexibility, as participants can complete tasks at their own pace and with convenience. Since a moderator is not required to monitor the process, multiple participants can participate in testing at the same time. 

This scalability allows you to use a more cost-effective and faster method compared to usability testing with moderation. In addition, participants can feel more comfortable and natural when interacting without the presence of a moderator, which can potentially lead to a more definite and accurate understanding of product usability. 

This method is particularly useful for quickly collecting large amounts of data, making it an excellent choice for iterative testing and refining user interfaces. Overall, unmoderated website usability testing offers a practical and efficient way to collect valuable user feedback while minimizing costs and time constraints.


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Other types of usability testing


There are also different types of testing that can be grouped into “subclasses”. This is research, evaluation, and comparative testing. 

  • Research testing is performed in the early stages of website development. The main goal is to get high-quality information about users needs, behavior, and pain points. This type of testing helps you determine the stages of creating a website, identifying user expectations and potential problems, before starting serious development work.
  • Evaluating usability testing allows you to evaluate the usability of specific product features or the overall user experience. The purpose of testing is to identify usability issues, evaluate the effectiveness of tasks, and collect user feedback on the current design. This type of testing is often used in the middle and late stages of development to improve the product.
  • Comparative testing evaluates two or more versions of a product to determine which one is better in terms of usability. The goal is to compare different designs, features, or interfaces to make a data-driven decision about which version to use.

When should I conduct usability testing?

Conduct testing when you have:

  1. Working interface layout or website.
  2. At the initial stages of design, testing prototypes and layouts will help you identify problems before development begins.
  3. During development, regularly test individual components and functions to correct shortcomings in time.
  4. Before launching, perform a comprehensive usability test of the finished site to make sure that it is convenient.
  5. After launch, continue testing to identify new issues and improve the product.
  6. If you make significant updates, do some testing to make sure they don’t impair usability.
  7. Regular testing is a key principle that allows you to continuously improve the user experience.

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So, which one is better?

Depending on what stage of development you are currently in, choose usability testing with moderation when you have the time and resources to get detailed feedback. This method is especially useful when you need to work through a complex concept or process. And unmoderated website usability testing, when you need to collect feedback quickly and at minimal cost. This method is suitable for later stages of site development, where the main goal is to check usability for a wider audience.

When choosing between a moderated and unmoderated type, it is important to consider your specific requirements and the current stage of development of your product. Moderated testing is ideal for thoroughly studying complex functions and testing them at an early stage. On the other hand, unmoderated usability testing provides advantages in terms of scalability, efficiency, and taking into account real user interactions at later stages.

 By choosing the most appropriate approach, you can ensure that you get valuable and effective feedback to improve your product.


Thus, the usability testing of a website has a significant impact on its search engine optimization and overall performance. By providing a positive user experience, improved usability helps users stay on the site for a long time, reducing bounce rates, and increasing conversions. At the same time, search engines such as Google use these metrics as important signals for ranking sites in search results.

Thus, investing in usability is beneficial not only to improve the user experience, but also to increase the visibility and position of the site in search results.

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