Effective methods of business promotion on the Internet

Effective methods of business promotion on the Internet come to the fore for creating successful marketing strategies. In the 21st century, it is impossible to imagine a successful business that does not exist on the Internet, because almost every inhabitant of the planet uses the world wide web. 

19 June 2024
effective-methods-business promotion

What are the types of website promotion?

Let’s take a look at what aspects any website and business promotion strategy on the Internet is divided into:

  1. Display advertising is a form of online advertising that uses visual elements (banners and videos) to attract users’ attention, increase brand awareness and engage the target audience through wide reach and targeting.
  2. Targeted advertising is a type of online advertising that targets specific groups of users based on their demographics, interests, and behavior to maximize the relevance and effectiveness of advertising messages.
  3. SEO is the process of optimizing the content and technical aspects of a website to meet the requirements of search engines and improve its credibility and trust, 
  4. Content marketing is a strategy for creating and promoting high-quality, interesting and useful content to attract your target audience and gain credibility in your industry.
  5. Email marketing is the use of emails to maintain customer relationships, promote products and services, and drive repeat sales.
  6. Social media is the use of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin to increase brand awareness, promote a product, and attract new potential customers.
  7. Video marketing is a marketing strategy that uses video content. Videos attract users’ attention and stimulate emotions better than other types of promotion.
  8. Affiliate programs and affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy based on cooperation with other companies or individual partners who advertise your products or services for a commission or other terms.

Below, we’ll take a closer look at each of these types and find out what their features, advantages, disadvantages, and methods of use are.

Display advertising

Advantages of display advertising: 

  • Visual appeal: Banners and videos attract the attention of users because most people in the world are visual and pay attention to such elements.
  • Wide coverage: Display advertising reaches a wide audience due to a large number of variations in usage.
  • Targeting: The ability to customize ads for specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, and behavior allows you to reach exactly those users who may be interested in your services.
  • Brand awareness: Display advertising helps to increase brand awareness as target users are constantly exposed to your ad and brand logo.
  • Variety of formats: Display advertising includes a variety of formats, such as banners, texts, articles, videos, and other visual elements that can be placed on different platforms.

Disadvantages of display advertising: 

  • High costs: Advertising on popular platforms can be quite expensive, especially for small businesses.
  • Content blocking: Banners and videos can be blocked by users using ad blocking software extensions, which reduces the effectiveness of the campaign.
  • Competition: The competition in online advertising is very high, so it is difficult to promote through contextual advertising. Also, a large number of such ads negatively affects the perception of users (many people block such ads because there are too many of them).

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Targeted advertising

Advantages of targeted advertising 

  • Targeted audience: You can set up targeted ads for specific segments of your audience (by demographics, geography, hobbies and interests, behavioral characteristics, etc.), which allows you to get more engaged users and increase the effectiveness of your ads.
  • Saving resources: Targeted advertising is usually more effective than other campaigns because you can pinpoint exactly who sees your ads and avoid wasting money on uninterested audiences.
  • Increased conversion: Since ads will be shown to more interested users, it is more likely that they will perform the desired action (e.g., go to your website, fill out a form, or make a purchase).
  • Improved control and analytics: Targeted advertising platforms usually provide extensive analytics tools that allow you to track campaign results and optimize them for better results.

Disadvantages of targeted advertising 

  • Use of user data: Targeted advertising requires access to user data to analyze the target audience and create a proper customer profile, which can sometimes cause privacy and confidentiality issues.
  • Limited audience: Since targeting is based on user data you know, your audience may be limited to those who have consented to the collection and use of their data (cookies).
  • High competition: As targeted advertising becomes more popular, competition for audience attention can be fierce. In some niches, this is very noticeable and the entry threshold to the targeted advertising market is very high.
  • Advertising costs: Although targeted advertising can be more effective, it often requires more spending on campaign development and analytics, which may not be affordable for small businesses on a tight budget. You can indeed save money by ensuring that your ads are shown only to your target audience, but the cost of these impressions can be quite high.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

The benefits of SEO

  • Organic traffic: SEO allows you to attract organic traffic to your website, i.e. visitors who find your website through search engines.
  • Trust and authority: High rankings in search results inspire user trust and give your site credibility. People believe that websites that are in the top positions are more relevant and reliable. In general, in most cases, this is true, because the main goal of search engines is to show users interesting and useful information.
  • Reduced advertising costs: Since SEO is based on organic search, it can reduce the cost of paid advertising (contextual advertising or social media advertising), which ultimately proves to be more profitable from a financial point of view.
  • Long-term results: A well-optimized website can drive targeted traffic from search engines even after active marketing campaigns are completed, ensuring long-term results.

Disadvantages of SEO

  • Implementation time: SEO is a long-term process, and results do not appear immediately. It takes time and patience to achieve good positions in search results. But if you want to really gain authority, it’s worth it.
  • Competition: In some industries, the competition for high rankings in search results can be very strong, especially if you are competing with large companies.
  • Algorithm changes: Search engines regularly update their algorithms, which can negatively affect your website’s rankings. After the introduction of such changes, it takes time to adjust and regulate promotion strategies.
  • Results are not guaranteed: It is impossible to guarantee that your website will reach the top positions in search results. Even with a well-executed SEO strategy. The results depend on many factors, including competition, content quality, technical aspects of the site, and even some factors that we cannot influence.

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Content marketing

Benefits of content marketing

  • Increased credibility: Users notice that you create high-quality and useful content, which builds more trust in your brand and creates expertise in the eyes of customers.
  • Attracting the target audience: Content attracts your target audience who are looking for information to solve their problems.
  • Improved SEO: Well-optimized content, using keywords, can increase your visibility in search engines and boost your site’s rankings.
  • User engagement: Interesting and valuable content motivates your audience to engage with you, write comments, share information, and interact with your other posts.

Disadvantages of content marketing

  • Time and resources: Creating high-quality content takes time, energy, and resources. This type of marketing, like SEO, works on your authority, which takes time.
  • Not guaranteed results: Not all posts will be successful. Sometimes it’s hard to predict which content will attract an audience and generate positive results and which will not. In order to minimize unhelpful content, market and user requests are analyzed, but this does not guarantee the result.
  • Competition: In many industries, the competition for audience attention is intense, so it is necessary to stand out from the competition, which is not an easy task.
  • The need for constant updating: To remain relevant, content needs to be constantly updated and adapted to changes in your industry and the needs of your audience.

Email marketing

Advantages of email marketing:

  • Direct connection with the audience: Email marketing allows you to interact directly with your audience through their email, which can increase engagement and interaction rates.
  • Personalization: You can personalize your messages by sending customized emails and offers, which increases the likelihood of conversion. You can also focus on customer preferences.
  • Tracking and analytics: This type of marketing allows you to track opens, clicks, and other metrics of your campaign’s success to analyze and improve your strategy.

Disadvantages of email marketing:

  • Risk of getting into spam: Messages can end up in spam and lose their effectiveness.
  • Privacy: Using email marketing requires compliance with privacy and anti-spam laws. It should be loyal and relevant.
  • Negative audience reactions: Users receive a lot of uninteresting and useless emails and eventually stop paying attention to them.

Advertising on social media

Advantages of SMM

  • Targeted audience: Like targeted advertising, SMM allows you to target your ads to a specific category of people.
  • Interactivity: Social media advertising can be highly interactive, which helps to engage and interact with the audience through comments, likes, polls, etc.
  • Analytics and tracking: Social networks provide a lot of necessary information for analytics and strategy improvement.

Disadvantages of SMM

  • The disadvantages of social media marketing are similar to those mentioned above:
  • Competition: Almost all types of marketing are quite competitive, and SMM is no exception. The competition in social media marketing is especially high due to the fact that it is very popular.
  • Changing algorithms: Social networks, like search engines, often change their algorithms to improve the platforms for users.
  • High costs: High competition means high costs.

Video marketing

Advantages of video marketing:

  • High engagement: Video attracts attention and increases audience engagement through visuals and sound elements.
  • Emotional impact: Video can stimulate feelings in the audience, which helps to form a deeper connection and memorization.
  • Wide reach: Video can be placed anywhere, so the reach of the audience can be quite wide.
  • Improved SEO: Video can increase the time users spend on your website, which has a positive impact on SEO.

Disadvantages of video marketing:

  • High production costs: Producing high-quality video content can be expensive, especially if you need to hire professional staff and rent equipment.
  • Creativity: For videos to stand out, they need to be creative and easy to remember.
  • Production and development time: The process of creating a video can be time-consuming, from planning to shooting and editing.
  • The need for constant updating: Video content can age faster than other types of content, so it’s important to keep your video strategy up to date.

Affiliate programs and affiliate marketing

Advantages of affiliate marketing:

  • Expanding the sales network: Affiliate programs allow companies to expand their sales network by attracting partners who sell their products or services for a commission.
  • Risk minimization: Companies pay affiliates only for specific results, such as sales or leads, which minimizes risks and increases the efficiency of marketing expenses.
  • Increased trust: Recommendations from affiliates can build more trust in your brand.

Disadvantages of affiliate marketing:

  • Managing the affiliate network: Managing a large number of affiliates is difficult, especially if you need to keep records and control their marketing activities.
  • Competition between partners: Within affiliate programs, conflicts of interest may arise between different partners, which can negatively affect the results.
  • Risk of negative impact on reputation: Uncontrolled actions of affiliates can lead to a negative impact on the brand’s reputation, especially if they engage in aggressive marketing practices.


Each type of website promotion on the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages, and only you can choose a business promotion strategy, depending on the goals and specifics of the company. All website promotion strategies are effective for certain cases.

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