Why EEAT matters to the success of your website

EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is a concept used by Google to assess the quality of content. It is a part of Google’s algorithms and directly affects the position of a website in search results. Let’s take a closer look at all these aspects.

27 June 2024
Serhii Shynhur
Sales Manager
«If you want to get regular customers and build credibility, provide people with useful information»


  • What is it?

This point refers to the extent to which the author who wrote the text has practical experience in this area. For example, you have written an article about marketing and indicated that you are an author. Google analyzes it and sees that you have described the product in detail, indicated your research experience and some interesting unique facts, so it understands that you are knowledgeable about this topic. In this case, your article will be promoted higher because your opinion is objective and professional.

  • Why is it important?

Users are looking for real reviews and advice from people who have experienced a product or service. Practical experience gives content authority and credibility, and increases its value to readers.


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  • What is it?

Expertise means having in-depth knowledge and understanding in a particular area. This can be confirmed by professional qualifications, education, or significant work experience in this area. For example, a diploma of graduation from an institute with a degree in marketing.

  • Why is it important?

High-quality content should be written by people who are experts in their field. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information. This is especially important for the exact sciences: medicine, finance, legal topics, etc.


  • What is it?

Credibility refers to the author’s recognition as an authority in a particular field. This can be confirmed by publications, mentions in reputable publications, or positive feedback from other experts.

  • Why is it important?

Authoritative sources are more trusted by users because they are recognized by other independent sources, which confirms their qualifications. If a website has a high authority, its content will be perceived as more reliable and worthy of attention. That’s why link building is the foundation of a successful website, because when authoritative sites link to you, the credibility of your site also increases.


  • What is it?

Credibility is the overall reliability and honesty of the content. This means transparency of information about the author, clear data sources, and adherence to ethical standards. That’s why when an article’s author or source is listed on a website, people feel that the information is more reliable and safe for them.

  • Why is it important?

Reliable information inspires more trust among people, because they understand that this information is true and feel calm. Highly reliable content increases the credibility of a website and contributes to better search engine rankings.

All these factors are united by the fact that they are focused on the accuracy and quality of information.  This is logical, because the main goal of Google is to provide relevant and correct information to the user and to do it as quickly and safely as possible. To effectively promote your site in search engines, you need to create high-quality content, prove to Google that you are a professional in your field, get recommendations from third-party sites or specialists, and ensure that users stay on your site in a confidential and safe manner. This is the key to an effective promotion strategy.


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How to improve the E-E-A-T of your website?



  • Publish real reviews: Add reviews from users who have used your products or services. Real reviews add credibility to your site and inspire trust among users.
  • Create case studies: Write detailed case studies about the use of your product or service. This shows how you have helped other customers and emphasizes your expertise.
  • Publish personal stories: Include personal stories or blogs from your team members about their experiences in your industry. This will showcase the expertise of your experts and increase brand credibility.


  • Fill out author profiles: Add author bios with information about their qualifications, education, and professional experience. This helps users understand that the content is created by experts.
  • Involve experts: Involve recognized experts in your industry to create content. This increases the quality and credibility of your content and makes it more diverse and interesting.
  • Continuous training and development: Show that your team is constantly updating their knowledge and skills by taking courses, certifications, and attending industry conferences. This is especially necessary in the IT field, as it is constantly updated and changing. 


  • Quote authoritative sources: Use and reference credible sources in your content. These can be academic articles, government websites, or well-known experts in your field.
  • Get external links: Work to get other authoritative sites to mention and link to your content. This can include guest blogging or collaborating with influencers.
  • Testimonials and certifications: Include testimonials from recognized organizations and certifications you’ve received to prove your expertise.


  • Transparency of information: Provide detailed information about your company, including contact details, physical address, privacy policy, and terms of use.
  • Secure website: Use HTTPS to ensure the security of user data. Display security badges and certificates on your website. This inspires more trust in users and makes them more loyal to your  site and content.
  • Honesty and transparency: Avoid “Loud” headlines and false promises. Follow ethical standards in content creation.
  • Reviews and ratings: Include reviews and ratings from your customers. Positive feedback helps to increase the credibility of your site.

Additional tips

  • Regular content updates: Keep your content up-to-date so that it remains relevant and accurate. This shows that you care about providing relevant information.
  • Visual content: Use images, infographics, videos, and other visual elements to improve the clarity and appeal of your content. In this aspect, you should pay attention to UX design, as it is aimed at making the site as user-friendly and understandable as possible.
  • Feedback from users: Collect and analyze feedback from your users to improve your content. Users always know best what they want to see, so their opinion can be really important to you.


Google EEAT is an important element to consider when creating content. These 4 factors (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness) affect the trust users and search engines have in your content and can significantly affect your site’s ranking in search results. If you want your content to be useful and your site to grow, implement Google EEAT into your strategy and help people find the information they need.

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